You have your computer protected with firewalls and anti-virus programs. That is great. How protected is the data you are sending out. Which would be the most painful, traumatic, and the most expensive loss? The computer hardware itself, or the information hackers retrieve from the data?
This data can be used to bring harm to you, your family, and your property. Every picture you or your children send to their friends, and the world to see has GPS coordinates that pinpoint the location within three feet of where it was taken. Do you really want unwanted intruders to know which part of the playground your grandchildren favor, or what school they go to, or where they go for recreation, or where they live?
If you:
- Use a smart phone or digital camera to take pictures
- Use WiFi, Google, Twitter or Facebook
- Upload, send or email pictures in any form over the internet
Your family could be the targets of predators on the internet.
Did You Know! There are easy to download programs that will allow almost ANYONE in less than 5 minutes to:
- Steal your private passwords.
- Steal your Social Security Number.
- Steal your credit card information.
- Steal your banking account numbers and passwords
- Pinpoint to within three feet of where you took your uploaded photos
I did a Google search for “free WiFi hacking software” and the results were about 1,570,000 in 0.32 seconds. The threat is real.
In addition to individuals or families many small businesses are not aware of the threats or they think that protection is not available at a reasonable price.
Here is a vulnerability audit to help you analyze your risk
- Does your business currently use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) security network for remote access to your company’s network? Yes___ No___ No=20
- Do you have employees that work from home or travel and use their mobile devices or laptops to send/communicate confidential information data to the home office? Yes___ No___ Yes=10
- Are you aware that your employees that access your network servers through wireless hotspots such as WiFi in hotels, airports, and coffee shops are most vulnerable to hack attacks which can lead to your confidential information being stolen? Yes___ No___ No=10
- Does your business store or send sensitive data that would be valuable to cyber criminals such as proprietary information about your company, employees, or customers? Yes___ No___ Yes=10
- Do your employees use their laptops or mobile devices at home or in an unsecured environment like airports, hotels, WiFi Hotspots to access your company network? Yes___ No___ Yes=10
- Do your employees email confidential company information from their home computers, personal laptops, or mobile devices? Yes___ No___ Yes=10
- Is your business fully protected from cyber hacking because you currently have a firewall, anti-virus protection or a secure router? Yes___ No___ Yes=5
- Is your business infrastructure adequately in terms of preventing network security breaches and cyber hacking? Yes___ No___ No=5
- Do you allow mobile devices and/or laptops personally owned by employees to access your company’s network? Yes___ No___ Yes=10
- Is network security protection, planning and training given sufficient emphasis and funding within your organization? Yes___ No___ No=10
Score Risk Level
0-30 Low
30-50 Medium
50-70 High
70-100 Extremely High
Here is a partial list of photo sites that Geo Tag your photo information:
Flickr, Fotki, Memeo,, Picasa Web Album, Shutterfly, SmugMug, Snapfish, Zenfolio, and Zoomer.
Arm yourself against internet hackers!
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